Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Interventions

Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Intervention for BPH - Postoperative

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate gland camera.gif. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body.

BPH causes urinary problems such as:
  • Trouble getting a urine stream started and completely stopped (dribbling).
  • Often feeling like you need to urinate. This feeling may even wake you up at night.
  • A weak urine stream.
  • A sense that your bladder is not completely empty after you urinate.

Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Intervention for BPH - Postoperative
  1. Risk for infection related to invasive procedures: a tool for surgery, the catheter.

    Goal :
    do not show signs of infection.

    Criteria for outcome :
    • Clients do not have an infection.
    • Able to achieve healing time.
    • Vital signs within normal limits and no signs of shock.

    Plan of action :
    • Maintain a sterile catheter system, provide treatment with a sterile catheter.
      R / Prevent the entry of bacteria and infection
    • Encourage adequate fluid intake (2500 - 3000) so as to reduce the potential infection.
      R / Increase urine output so that the reduced risk of UTI and preserve renal function.
    • Maintain a urinal bag under.
      R / Avoidance reflexes behind the urine which can enter the bacteria to the bladder.
    • Observation of vital signs, report signs of shock and fever.
      R / Prevent before the shock.
    • Observation of urine: color, amount, odor.
      R / Identify an infection.
    • Collaboration with physicians to prescribe antibiotics.
      R / To prevent infection and help the healing process.
  2. Risk for bleeding related to surgery

    Goal :
    There was no bleeding.

    Criteria for outcome :
    • Clients do not show signs of bleeding.
    • Vital signs within normal limits.
    • Urine smoothly through the catheter.

    Plan of action :
    • Explain to the client about the cause of bleeding after surgery and signs of bleeding.
      R / Reduce client anxiety and find signs of bleeding
    • Irrigation flow catheter if the catheter tract detected blob preformance
      R / Clots can block the catheter, causing stretching and bleeding bladder
    • Provide a diet high in fiber and gave medicine to facilitate defecation.
      R / With increased pressure on prostatik fossa which will precipitate bleeding.
    • Preventing the use of rectal thermometers, rectal examination, for at least one week.
      R / It can cause bleeding prostate.
    • Monitor the catheter traction: traction time record in pairs and when traction is removed.
      R / Traction cause the development of balloon catheter into the fossa prostatik, reduce bleeding. Generally removed 3-6 hours after surgery.
    • Observation: Vital signs every 4 hours, input and output and urine color
      R / early detection of complications, with appropriate intervention to prevent permanent tissue damage.
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